Bhim Singh
7 years
Disastrous for the country if micro-parties join together again
It would be disastrous for the country if the regional and micro parties of India align together again for the sake of winning power at the centre, in the next Lok-Sabha-Elections. We have several examples since 1977 as proof that a government formed by a coalition of regional and skeleton parties will not be beneficial for our country. Every party in such a coalition works for their own varied interest, rather than the interest of the nation as a whole. The coalition leader would most often be forced to satisfy these interests in order to maintain majority. The leaders of these domestic parties have also changed their stand point several times in the past only for protecting their personal interest. They will do the same thing again in the future and are not ashamed of playing any dirty politics.

Unfortunately, Indian National Congress (INC) is in a helpless situation now. The party as well as public must realize and accept that fact. INC, instead of trying to come into power with the support of domestic parties, should choose to work again at the grass-root level and try to build their support-base again.

It is the need of time that India has a strong leadership with full support of a well rooted national party. BJP is our only hope for the time being.
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